SmartTrak offers rapid location tracking by phone

SmartTrak helps you track the current location of your staff and any other individuals key to your incident response strategy, via their mobile phones.

With SmartTrak, you can track the path of a user and view a breadcrumb trail of their journey and, for added intelligence, provide alerts when tracked mobiles come into close proximity with each other or with a defined point of interest.

Using SmartTrak is simple. Mobile numbers can be pre-loaded or keyed individually into the online interface. Within seconds, the location of the SIM is revealed by way of easy-to-read, multi-view digitised mapping.

As SmartTrak works using a standard mobile signal, it can work where GPS doesn’t, such as a block of flats. The service is available on standard mobile phones and smart phones including Blackberry and iPhone.

SmartDesk's multi-function BCM communication platform

SmartTrak is part of the SmartContinuity platform which has been built specifically to support an organisation's BCM framework – in particular disaster recovery – and to help secure long-term survival following a crisis. At the platform’s core is an innovative messaging engine that brings immediacy, clarity, accountability, auditability, control and communication to individuals, teams and organisations - at a time when they most need it.

The system is modular and cost-effective with a special offer available on SmartInform, SmartOnCall and SmartContact interactive voice technology - please call 020 3190 3190 for further information.

SmartContinuity BC Communication Platform
SmartInform Individual, group and mass messaging
SmartCallback Right person, right time callback service
SmartOnCall Team coordination and communication
SmartContact Digital register for staff and contacts
SmartTrak Location tracking system
Recovery Centre Recovery Centre with extensive facilities delivered via our partner CTL Europe
Download the SmartTrak (BCM) PDF