When an agent logs a callback
request and time, they typically do this via the SmartCallback web interface, but they could also make a request by email or text.
At the time of the scheduled callback, the agent
receives a prompt to access the customer profile so that he/she has all the
relevant information to hand. The agent then simply clicks for the call to
be made, and SmartCallback triggers and presents the call.
This information is then captured as part of an individual or team report. Team managers can then see which callbacks
have occurred, which have failed and the reasons why. Further callbacks
can easily be scheduled as required. The service promotes both accountability and optimised agent performance, which helps explain why it was pioneered as a call centre technology.
It's a simple, cost-effective way to ensure real customer focus whilst maximising the
efficiency of agents. The service also includes web-based SmartClick2Call which lets customers request a callback.
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It's much more than call scheduling |
It prompts and
presents calls |
It ensures you
keep your customer call commitments |
It improves team and agents’
performance, and morale |
It improves team
focus and performance |
It improves customer
confidence and satisfaction |
It saves cost by helping you to minimise AHT |
Live reporting ensures you spot and address areas of
weakness on the go |