SmartInform messaging tool update released

A number of specific plug-in modules have been created for the SmartInform platform. These include:

  • SmartInform Gift Aid which enables charities to secure Gift Aid declarations from donors within seconds. Click here for more.
  • SmartContact –as part of a BCM toolkit, this is a role call contact system to ensure rapid accountability of all your employees and other contacts. Click here for more.
  • SmartInform appointment reminder system – a personalisable voice and SMS messaging tool for the health sector and any other business that seeks to minimise missed appointments. Click here for more.

SmartInform voicemail detection

  • Any voice messages you issue can now detect an automated call answer system or voicemail. Upon reaching an automated service, you have a number of options on how you proceed, such as leaving a specific message or issuing the message at a later time.

Enhanced reporting

  • If, like some of our customers, you are using different flavours of SmartInform (ie. more than one module), the onscreen view now updated dynamically to your environment. For instance, this could be a new set of reporting columns which are relevant to charities seeking Gift Aid.

Campaign pause facility

  • Introduced in the last release, a "pause" facility is now available. This is useful if your communication unexpectedly generates an unprecedented number of inbound calls, or if a mistake has been made etc.