Gift Aid – your questions answered

  1. What is Gift Aid?
  2. Who is able to benefit from Gift Aid?
  3. I work for a charity and we would like to register for Gift Aid contributions
  4. Am I eligible to make a donation via Gift Aid?
  5. Are there any change to my tax status by providing Gift Aid consent?
  6. If I give consent on Gift Aid to one charity is it valid for other charities too?
  7. What else does providing my Gift Aid declaration commit me to?
  8. When does my Gift Aid declaration expire?
  9. Why did I miss the Gift Aid option the first time around?
  10. Is there any advantage in acting now?
  11. Where can I get a Gift Aid declaration form?
  12. Where can I find more information?

1. What is Gift Aid
It's a scheme introduced by the government allowing charities to reclaim the tax on money that a donor has already paid. Currently, for every £1 you give us, the taxman gives us an extra 25p making the scheme highly advantageous for UK charities in fund raising.

2. Who is able to benefit from Gift Aid?
Any UK registered charity or Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC)

3. I work for a charity and we would like to register for Gift Aid contributions
HM Revenue & Customs produce a helpful CD-Rom called the "Gift Aid Toolkit". This provides all you need to know to run a Gift Aid scheme. To order a copy call the HMRC Charities Helpline 0845 3020203.

4. Am I eligible to make a donation via Gift Aid?
If you're a UK taxpayer, and have paid enough tax in the financial year to cover the amount of tax we'll reclaim, then yes. However, your written or verbal consent to Gift Aid is required.

5. Are there any change to my tax status by providing Gift Aid consent?
No. Your personal tax position is unaffected. To allow us to recover Gift Aid, you would simply have had to have paid enough tax in the respective financial year(s)

6. If I give consent on Gift Aid to one charity is it valid for other charities too?
No. You must complete a separate declaration for each charity you wish to help.

7. What else does providing my Gift Aid declaration commit me to?
Nothing. It just ensures that, should you make a donation, we can claim money back from H.M. Revenue and Customs

8. When does my Gift Aid declaration expire?
It’s ongoing until you tell your charity to stop. As long as you’re eligible, your declaration allows us to reclaim present, future and past tax - back to 2005.

9. Why did I miss the Gift Aid option the first time around?
It’s quite possible that it was overlooked when you made a charitable donation or that your charity did not offer it at the time. The Gift Aid option typically appears as a simple tick box that you check when confirming your donation.

10. Is there any advantage in acting now?
As of 1 April 2010, the scheme allows charities to claim back donations for the last four years. Each year that passes means a whole year of reclaimable tax is lost. By providing your Gift Aid declaration, this money will be saved – and give your selected charity a welcome boost.

11. Where can I get a Gift Aid declaration form?
Click here for a Gift Aid declaration form (you will need Acrobat Reader to open it). Please complete the form and send it to your nominated charity.

12. Where can I find more information?
The H.M. Revenue & Customs provide comprehensive information on their website:

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Download the Gift Aid declaration form