Gift Aid made easy with interactive voice technology

On your behalf SmartDesk will contact donors who failed previously to make a Gift Aid declaration on their donations to you.

We use SmartInform which allows us to do this via automated voice messaging. The process is instant and paperless. Your donors are able to respond live to your voice message and make their Gift Aid declaration in seconds. The key prompt following your message about Gift Aid could be as simple as:

“Please press 1 to confirm your declaration for Charity X to reclaim the tax on your donation through Gift Aid”.

We also include all the necessary tax information:

“Press 2 for full details on the Gift Aid scheme”

SmartInform can issue any number of Gift Aid request messages in minutes. It can also enable live discussion with our agents to increase your success rates, for instance, by adding:

“Press 3 to speak with one of our agents now, should you have any questions”

SmartInform’s extensive reporting provides an audit trail of who has been contacted. All conversations are recorded in convenient sound files for auditing purposes, with the service validated by HM Revenue & Customs.

SmartInform can also be used to issue messages by SMS text and email, as well as voice.

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